Thursday, August 4, 2011

TMI??? Oh well!

Mabye TMI, but worth posting anyways.

This might just be TMI, but I know it has been an issue for me! Used to have terrible chafing and a super hard time with my sports bras. I now use the Enell sports bra and LOVE it. It is tighter and takes some getting used to, but it is my fave! I've heard good things about the Moving Comfort bras too, but never tried them. Good luck!


  1. THANK YOU for posting this! I am training for my first 1/2 marathon, and have found this a big problem once I get into the 7+ mile runs. Also, looks like we're both beginner bloggers! Good stuff ( : Looking forward to following...
    Kiah (

  2. I am actually better at posting to my Facebook page if you want to "like" my page there. The link is above. Are you on FB too or only blog? Yes I have spent tons on trying to find the right bra for me. The Enell is very tight fitting, but that is actually what you need. Movement is bad and is where the chafing comes in. There just wasn't enough bodyglide in the world to fix it. If you haven't tried bodyglide that is another thing that might work for you. Nice "meeting" you!
